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How Summit's Climbr Can Help You Save More

Young woman looking at laptop and holding a cell phone

Saving money is one of those things that most of us plan to get around to. But then, life happens and before you know it another month has gone by and the balance in your savings account hasn’t gone up while the balance on your credit card has.

Don’t give yourself a hard time. And don’t give up. Instead, make this one important change: Start using Summit's Climbr®.

Just what is Summit's Climbr?

Climbr is our free online personal financial management tool that lets you track how you’re spending and saving your money.

You can use Climbr to do all this:

  • Create a budget. Choose your spending categories and specify how much you want to spend in each one, each month.
  • Monitor your spending. It’s really easy to lose track of your spending — especially those little things like coffees and lunches out that can add up fast and put a real dent in your finances. Climbr uses handy color-coded graphics that quickly convey whether you’re good to go — or near spending limit.
  • Set goals. Climbr lets you pick the goals that matter to you and even helps you figure out how to make them happen.
  • Get alerts. Don’t forget to pay a bill or accidentally overdraw your account. Climbr's transaction alerts help keep you on track.

Why do you need Climbr?

Because having information at your fingertips can help you make informed decisions and change your behavior.

We’ve proven this over the last 15 seasons of our Project Money program where contestants are challenged to transform their finances over a 7-month period by building a solid budget and working to increase their savings and decrease their debt.  One of the most powerful steps they start with to get their money lives in order: tracking their spending and knowing where every penny is going.

Climbr offers the added benefit of tracking spending in real time through our mobile app and on your handheld device, giving you the information you need right now to make informed choices before making purchases or other financial decisions.

Go ahead and check out Summit's Climbr.

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