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Jaclyn and Kiara's Journey:

It all pays off in the end

Hey guys! Thank you so much for coming back to visit our blogs again! We can’t believe that it has already been 3 months! We know it’s crazy, right? So we have been dealing with a bit and for full transparency, we want you guys to know what is going on.

For full disclosure, in July, Kiara's father passed away and it was a shock to us. Recently she decided that it was best for her to take a leave of absence from work. She took off two weeks from both her full and part time jobs in order to get back to where she felt stronger and less anxious and overwhelmed while working. For anyone that has a lost a parent or anyone really, we are sure that you can understand. We sat down and discussed it and figured out that it was for the best. The reason that we are sharing this information with you guys is because taking a leave will affect your financials even if you have paid time off that you can use. So losing out on two weeks of income in the past would have really stressed out as far as how are we going to pay for this or that and how can we stretch the money from Jaclyn's paychecks alone? Since we have started Project Money, we have made so many positive changes financially that the thought did not cross our minds. It is really refreshing to know that we are moving in the right direction financially and we hope that by the end of this season, at least one person, couple or family is also following. 

Now regardless of what was put into that last paragraph, we are still planning on doing our big Summit Credit Union Credit Card Payoff! That will be over $4,000 paid off with just hard earned cash from all of the hours that we have put in thus far. If that does pan out, our next step is to find a plan for our vacation package debt which is $3,770. And we are still moving in the right direction to hopefully have our personal paid off which is now currently under $10,000. Until we can do that big payoff, we will keep making that $400 payment to keep breaking it down bit by bit. 

One more secret we wanted to let you guys in on (shush don’t tell our coach Jamie!). We did end up going over budget on entertainment this month. OH NO! With that being said, we don't plan to change the $60 budget that we currently have set for ourselves. We happened to have friends come in and visit from out of town, we made appearances out at places for Madison Pride and we also won tickets to the comedy club where there is a 2 drink minimum for each person. For people that are normally stuck at work, we were happy to be able to be out and enjoying ourselves for once. We will have to whip ourselves back into shape next month! Make sure to keep following us and reading our blogs and watching our videos to see how we do! 


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